Monday, January 3, 2011

Here I Am, There I Am Too

As a former professional wrestling fan, that lost blog I wrote was my Wrestlemania. For those unfamiliar, Wrestlemania is the culmination of a year's worth of professional wrestling storylines all coming together for one heckuva show.  It's the Super Bowl of wrestling. Why couldn't I just call the last blog I wrote the Super Bowl of my blogs? Here's why: The Super Bowl is followed by an offseason. Everyone hypes it up knowing it will be the last game for quite some time (unless you count the Pro-Bowl which no one of course counts the Pro-Bowl). Professional wrestling has no offseason. After months and months of hype, Wrestlemania happens, a new champion is crowned, storylines are ended, yet the wrestlers have to go on TV the next night and start new feuds. It's awkward.

I don't like to brag (lies!), but that last blog I wrote was really good. I was very proud of it. But seeing as it was a little out of the ordinary for me to be so serious, I don't know how to follow that blog up. That piece sat on the top of this blog for half of a month and it would feel weird to follow it up with a, "Can you believe how good the Fighter is?" blog. That last blog was my main event and should be left alone for a bit. BUT, life goes on I suppose and I must continue to blog. If I don't, you will all perish. It will be tragic I tell thee, TRAGIC!!!

The solution? Start (join) a new (old) blog with my wife! That way I can write something here, and then I can write something there: If you go there today, this Monday, this now, you'll notice I wrote a blog there linking you to come back here. You can go there from here and here from there and keep doing that over and over again and your life will be so great. Anyhow, I'll be updating that blog more often, because it's fun to do stuff with my ladywife. I'll still stop by here though too. If that blog becomes my main residence, consider this my beach house...a place I like to visit but a place that just isn't feasible to live inside of all the time.