Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I Certainly Do See a Lot of the City

Tomorrow my wife and I are flying out to Houston.  Houston, Texas.  Since this blog is new, thus making you all new to it, you're probably thinking I travel to big cities every weekend.  You would be correct.  Every weekend I do this.  The weekend after Houston I'm traveling to Washington DC to celebrate the 4th of July with Mr. Obama.  The weekend after that I'm going to Boise, just cause.  Note: I'm probably not doing those things.

Anywho, I hope my plane doesn't crash tomorrow.  Though it if it did, and I died, that would certainly make this couplet ominous.

I was going to write a bit more tonight, but I ended up packing as to not get divorce papers served tomorrow morning.  I'm going to bed now.  Unlike last night when I had to wake up at 4:00am, I've decided not to stay up until 1:00am.  That was really really stupid...though my presentation to the management team went beyond splendid thank you very much. 


  1. I hope you have a few new blogs queued up in case you meet your end in a spectacular but fiery crash, so that your blog continues to be frequently updated until your readers are done mourning their loss. No sense adding to their pain.

    Also, can you bring me back some potatoes?

  2. Your potatoes are in the mail. Nice to hear from you Mr Wingnut.
