Friday, July 2, 2010

Phone Blogging is Real Time Blogging

I am writing this blog from my phone. How fancy. In the past I used to never be able to give you all real time updates of my life. Now I can, and you should be so thrilled because life with me is like so fun dudes.

Anyways, you all probably want me to tell you everything I am doing RIGHT NOW. I am on break at work. I am alone in my office. I have attached a very artsy looking picture of part of my desk. I have no idea where the picture will end up because phone blogging is mysterious.

As you can tell, I was recently talking on my work phone and drinking water. I also received some intercompany mail in a manilla envelope. My water is now empty. I am thirsty. That is such good art in that picture.

1 comment:

  1. Isn’t this what twitter is for? It also has the benefit of forcing brevity, windbag. (Note: the contents of this comment fit into a tweet.)
